Email  or phone  01767 449413

Welcome to our web site it is intended to give you an idea of what we get up to and encourage you to join in. It is all about fun and friendships! Anyone can join. The cost is low but the benefits are great.

JULY 2024 Update

We no longer have a formal Twinning Association. However we have long established friendships and maintain contact with our, friends in Erlensee.

When the opportunity arises we meet up with them  and share good memories.

If you have a Facebook Account you can use our private group to communicate with other members in both towns and  share pictures etc. All welcome so go along and join in.

Town Twinning   is it still relevant? Is Twinning still as important as it was after the war? With Brexit it is even more important.  We travel far more widely than we did but do we really get to know the people of the country that we travel to?           More